
Our Lady’s School employs certified educators. Our teachers are passionate about your child’s education and our school.

Tracy Richard

Pre – K 3

Kelli Dugas

Pre – K 4 A

Evelyn Vincent

Pre – K 4 B

Alyson Dupre

Kindergarten A

Amy LeLeux

Kindergarten B

Beth Mouton

1st Grade A

Phoebe Pruett

1st Grade B

Christy Breaux

2nd Grade A

Vicky Patin

2nd Grade B

Jana Delpapa

3rd Grade A

Stacey Regan

3rd Grade B

Madeline Benoit

4th Grade A

Stefanie Viator

4th Grade B

Jill LeBato

​5th Grade

Middle School

Dana Frankland

Algebra I

​Heather Istre

Middle School Science

Tracie Sims

Counselor/MS History

Madeline Godeaux

Middle School Math

Kevin Comboy

Middle School DRE/Religion

Kathryn Engel

Middle School ELA


Amanda Stutes


Robin Anderson


Suzanne Hebert


Coach Tressie Bares


Faculty photos provided by: Lagniappe Photography, Clint Sanford


Our Lady’s Catholic School, Inc. is an equal opportunity educational institution. The Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Lake Charles do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or national origin in accepting applications for student admissions or in the administration of educational policies, of scholarship and loan programs, and of athletic and extra-curricular programs.

Students are accorded, regardless of race, sex, and national origin, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to such persons in each school. This policy applies to all schools under Diocesan auspices.